Currently, the Company invites candidates for the following vacancies:
Currently, the Company invites candidates for the following vacancies:
Please provide your contact details and our specialist will contact you shortly, Or call us yourself (067) 52-33-774
Dear customers and employees!If, while in the Diagnostic Center, you receive a notification about the start of an air alarm, you need to get out of the building as soon as possible and go to the nearest one shelter. You need to leave the premises quickly, calmly, following the instructions of those in charge administrators or responsible medical personnel.
We care about the safety of visitors and employees and strongly ask you not to ignore the signal air alarm and remain in shelter until its official cancellation. Remaining in the building under during an air alert, visitors and workers are exposed to the risk of threats to life and health due to the destruction of structures, fragments of glass elements of windows, doors and showcases, etc.
Pay attention! The diagnostic center is not responsible for the life and health of the patient, accompanying person or guest who refuse to go to the shelter. After the end of the air alarm, you you can return to the Diagnostic Center. Unfortunately, due to forced circumstances, changes in the schedule are possible doctors' work: postponed or canceled appointment times.
Thank you for your responsible attitude and understanding.